id: syppfb

Empowering a Single Mom's Business Venture

Empowering a Single Mom's Business Venture

Pourquoi allez-vous collecter des fonds aujourd'hui ?
*Montant exprimé en euros sur la base du taux moyen pondéré des dons effectués dans toutes les devises. Pour plus d'informations, consultez le site


In the intricate dance of life, I find myself—a single mom needing help. 

I have a heart full of dreams and a passion for crochet that knows no bounds. My name is Jenni, and I am reaching out for your support to turn my dream of selling crochet designs into a reality.

As a devoted mother, I have faced the challenges of raising my child alone, i had no One to help me and i had to start all over be myself with nothing but i did it with determination and love. 

Now, within the delicate threads of yarn, I've discovered not just a craft but a calling. 

My dream is to transform this passion into a business, creating a sustainable future for my family through the artistry of crochet.

The path to entrepreneurship is often lined with financial hurdles, and I am seeking your help to overcome them. Your support will not only provide the necessary resources to kickstart my business but will also play a crucial role in empowering me to share my unique crochet creations with the world.

Imagine the joy of seeing my designs adorning homes, each stitch telling a story of resilience, creativity, and the unwavering pursuit of a brighter future. Your investment and help is more than just financial assistance, it's a vote of confidence in the strength of single moms pursuing their dreams.

Join me on this inspiring journey of turning passion into livelihood. 

Your contribution is an investment in the beauty of handmade art, the spirit of entrepreneurship, and the belief that dreams can flourish even in the face of challenges.

As we weave this story together, stitch by stitch, your support becomes a crucial part of a single mom's journey to independence and self-sufficiency. 

Thank you for considering being a part of my dream, and for helping me take this bold step toward a future where creativity and determination know no bounds. Together, let's create something beautiful æíout of threads and dreams.

What You Will be helping me and My business with:

-Opgrading My crochet/Knitting equipment (So i can keep up with My orders).

-2-3 pieces of Furniture ( i dont have enoth space for My inventory so most if it is in Boxe’s ).

-little hand Knitting Machine ( so i Can keep up with all My scarf and hat orders).

-New stuff for My inventory ( so i Can expand my business). 

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Il n'y a pas encore de description.


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2500 personnages
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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