id: ne8g97

Odlazak na svjetsko robotičko prvenstvo - Atena

Odlazak na svjetsko robotičko prvenstvo - Atena

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Mises à jour1

  • Sva uplaćena sredstva će biti prebačena na poslovni račun Informatičkog kluba "NET".


    All paid funds will be transferred to the business account of the IT Club "NET".


    2500 personnages

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Ajoutez des mises à jour et tenez les sympathisants informés de l'avancement de la campagne.
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SUF0O8JVpBYYCWCg.jpgPredstavljajući Hrvatsku reprezentaciju, mlada ekipa Informatičog kluba "NET" iz Ivanić-Grada kvalificirala se na svjetsko robotičko prvenstvo u organizaciji FIRST Global pod nazivom FIRST Global challenge 2024.. Radi se o natjecanju tematike "Feeding the future" koja potiče kritično razmišljanje, timski rad i inovativnost na STEM području.

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Ekipa se sastoji od petero članova tima i dva mentora. Natjecanje počinje 26.09. i traje do 29.09.2024. u Ateni gdje će se okupiti više od 190 zemalja svijeta.


Representing the Croatian national team, the young team of the IT club "NET" from Ivanić-Grad qualified for the world robotics championship organized by FIRST Global under the name FIRST Global challenge 2024. It is a competition with the theme "Feeding the future" that encourages critical thinking, teamwork. and innovation in the STEM field.


The team consists of five team members and two mentors. The competition starts on September 26. and lasts until September 29, 2024. in Athens where more than 190 countries of the world will gather.

Il n'y a pas encore de description.

Il n'y a pas encore de description.


Dons 10

Hrvoje Šimić
100 €
Utilisateur non enregistré
5 €
Ante Medic
50 €
Mišo Đurak
20 €
Marko Cvetko
50 €
Données cachées
Utilisateur non enregistré
200 €
Données cachées
10 €
Données cachées

Commentaires 2

2500 personnages