id: kzm8h4

Snail Story: Slow and Steady Wins the Farm

Snail Story: Slow and Steady Wins the Farm

Pourquoi allez-vous collecter des fonds aujourd'hui ?
*Montant exprimé en euros sur la base du taux moyen pondéré des dons effectués dans toutes les devises. Pour plus d'informations, consultez le site


In this epic adventure, we are committed to creating a farm that not only meets the needs of the present but also promotes sustainability and biodiversity.

To achieve this dream, we need your support. The funds raised will be used to purchase the necessary equipment for the breeding and care of snails, including specialized habitats, feeding systems, and water quality control.

Additionally, they will contribute to the construction of the necessary structures to ensure the well-being of the snails and the production of high-quality products.

Every contribution to the 'Snail Story' brings us closer to the realization of a farm that stands out for its quality, integrity, and commitment to the planet.

By supporting this campaign, you will not only become part of a success story but also contribute to promoting a more sustainable and environmentally friendly agriculture.

Here's what you'll receive in return for your valuable support:

  • Inclusion of your name at the beginning of the snail row: Every donor will have the honor of having their name or chosen name at the beginning of the snail row.

  • Personalized guided tour of the farm: Donors will have the exclusive opportunity to participate in a personalized guided tour of the farm, where they can meet the team, explore the snail breeding, and discover firsthand our commitment to sustainability and quality.

  • Personalized thank-you letter: Every donor will receive a special thank-you letter, personalized with their name and sent directly from our team

Il n'y a pas encore de description.

Il n'y a pas encore de description.


Offres/enchères 3

Acheter, Soutenir.

Acheter, soutenir. En savoir plus

Créé par l'organisateur :
Donation & Thanks
Gratitude Letter of Honor
Every donor will receive a special thank-you letter, personalized with their name and sent directly from our team
3 €
Fin du contrat
Founder's Lane Recognition
Inclusion of your name at the beginning of the snail row: Every donor will have the honor of having their name or chosen name at the beginning of the ...
5 €
Fin du contrat
Unique meetings
Sustainable Farm Discovery Tour
Personalized guided tour of the farm: Donors will have the exclusive opportunity to participate in a personalized guided tour of the farm, where they ...
25 €
Fin du contrat


pas encore de dons, soyez le premier à faire un don !

Pas encore de dons, soyez le premier à faire un don !

Faire un don


2500 personnages
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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