You in credits

You in credits


We will have your name in Burning Kisses video credits and YouTube description.

Autographs & Uniques • Unique
Prints from behind the scenes
We will send you printed pictures from behind the scenes with special thank you, signed by Gregory.
100 €
Fin du contrat
Donation & Thanks
Logo in music video's outro
We will have your logo in music video's credits described as special supporter.
1000 €
Fin du contrat

Il n'y a actuellement aucune autre offre sur cette collecte de fonds.

You in credits

You in credits

You in credits

250 €

Fin du contrat


We will have your name in Burning Kisses video credits and YouTube description.

Informations complémentaires


, pour envoyer un message à l'organisateur.


Envoi par courrier électronique.

Autographs & Uniques • Unique
Prints from behind the scenes
We will send you printed pictures from behind the scenes with special thank you, signed by Gregory.
100 €
Fin du contrat
Donation & Thanks
Logo in music video's outro
We will have your logo in music video's credits described as special supporter.
1000 €
Fin du contrat

Il n'y a actuellement aucune autre offre sur cette collecte de fonds.