id: bmxrvz

Help Frank see The World

Help Frank see The World

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*Montant exprimé en euros sur la base du taux moyen pondéré des dons effectués dans toutes les devises. Pour plus d'informations, consultez le site


It's bad?

On September 10, 2015, we were 23-year-old parents of 2.5-month-old Frank, and that day we heard the diagnosis - OUR SON CANNOT SEE. We heard it in the corridor of the hospital, standing among strangers, moving left and right to let the staff pass. So scared, I held Frank in my arms and, in the hustle and bustle of hospital life, tried to hear and understand what the doctor was telling us. All this was so incomprehensible to me that I remember the question with which I interrupted the doctor's statement: IS IT WRONG?


Diagnosis: OPTICAL NERVE HYPOPLASIA. We found on the internet that it means incurable blindness. For us, it meant the greatest tragedy that had ever happened to us.


It was the first day of fighting, a fight we weren't ready for. Fights for dignity, for the right, for help, for education, for equality and above all for FRANK. In parallel, fighting these small battles of everyday life, we were looking for a solution to Frank's problem all over the world. For years without result. Until one day we learned about the possibility of carrying out a series of treatments that helped children with this condition. We made the decision to try it. The results in other children are very promising.


BLIND CHILDREN GAIN SIGHT. Franek is currently after three treatments, and at least four more are ahead of him. The treatment consists in the administration of ALLOPLANT, which can regenerate, stimulate and restore the functions of individual organs. THIS TREATMENT IS FRANEK'S ONLY CHANCE TO SEE THE WORLD. Each trip costs about 10.000 euro, the next treatment is IN OCTOBER, and we still have not collected the entire amount. The costs of treatment are very high and it is our role and duty to provide Frank with this opportunity. As parents, we ask for your help and support.



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2500 personnages
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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