id: auzcaf

Zero G flight

Zero G flight

Pourquoi allez-vous collecter des fonds aujourd'hui ?
*Montant exprimé en euros sur la base du taux moyen pondéré des dons effectués dans toutes les devises. Pour plus d'informations, consultez le site


Hello everyone,

I hope this message finds you well. I have an incredible dream that I am determined to make a reality, and I need your support to achieve it. I've always been fascinated by space and the feeling of weightlessness that astronauts experience in zero gravity. It's a dream I've held close to my heart for as long as I can remember.

I've found an amazing opportunity to make this dream come true - a zero gravity flight experience! This unique adventure will allow me to float, flip, and soar like an astronaut, experiencing the magic of weightlessness.

The total cost of this unforgettable experience is 6,900 euros, which covers the flight itself, safety measures, and necessary training. As a passionate space enthusiast, I am committed to sharing this journey with all of you, my friends, family, and anyone who believes in the power of dreams.

By contributing to this campaign, you will not only help me reach for the stars but also become a part of this extraordinary journey. Every donation, no matter the size, brings me one step closer to defying gravity and experiencing the thrill of a lifetime.

I am immensely grateful for your support, whether it's through a donation or by sharing this campaign with your network. Please help me make my dream of zero gravity a reality.

Thank you for joining me on this incredible adventure!

Il n'y a pas encore de description.

Il n'y a pas encore de description.

Personne n'a encore créé de tirelire pour cette collecte de fonds. Votre tirelire sera peut-être la première !


pas encore de dons, soyez le premier à faire un don !

Pas encore de dons, soyez le premier à faire un don !

Faire un don


2500 personnages
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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