Starting new life in Scotland
Starting new life in Scotland
Pourquoi allez-vous collecter des fonds aujourd'hui ?
Hello everyone, my name is Louice. I'm also known as Loa or Siri.
I live in Sweden and there are plans that I am to move to Scotland together with my boyfriend who is British.
I live with autism, depression, anxiety and pain in my lower back. This has made work hard for me and I'm unemployed, living on economic support. After all bills are paid, I don't have much over to food, even less to save up.
Me and my bf want to move in together and me to leave Sweden and my family behind. I barely have any contact with my family and any contact there been, has been abusive in a way. The whole situation has made my depression worse.
Any money you can help us with are much welcome.
I just want to start a new life with my boyfriend
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