id: 275t5w

Visiting my long distance girlfriend

Visiting my long distance girlfriend

Donaciones inactivas - la operación requerida del Organizador de la recaudación de fondos. Si eres un Organizador - entra en y toma la acción requerida.
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¿para qué vas a recaudar fondos hoy?
*Importe expresado en euros sobre la base del tipo medio ponderado de las donaciones efectuadas en todas las divisas. Para más información, visite


Last summer, I met someone truly special. Despite the miles between us, our connection transcended distance, and we've built a beautiful relationship filled with love, laughter, and shared dreams. Now, I'm reaching out to you with a heartfelt plea.

I'm launching this fundraiser with the hope of raising enough funds to visit my long-distance girlfriend. The distance that separates us has been challenging, but our love has only grown stronger with each passing day. Meeting her in person would mean the world to both of us and would allow us to deepen our bond beyond what's possible through phone calls and video chats alone.

Your generous contributions will directly contribute to covering the costs of travel expenses, including flights, accommodation, and other associated expenses. Every dollar donated brings us one step closer to reuniting and creating unforgettable memories together.

Love knows no boundaries, but unfortunately, travel does come with a price tag. That's why I'm turning to you, my cherished community, for support. Whether you're able to donate or simply share this fundraiser with your networks, every bit of assistance is profoundly appreciated.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for considering supporting our cause. With your help, we can make this long-awaited reunion a reality and continue to nurture the love that knows no distance.

Aún no hay descripción.

Aún no hay descripción.

Ofertas/subastas 1

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Creado por el organizador:
Fashion • Other
A sweatshirt that I designed myself. It has comes in color red, black and white, all sizes available.
24 €


Nadie ha creado aún una hucha para esta recaudación. ¡Tu hucha puede ser la primera!


aún no hay donaciones, ¡sé el primero en donar!

Aún no hay donaciones, ¡sé el primero en donar!

Donaciones inactivas - es necesaria la intervención del Organizador de la recaudación. Si usted es un Organizador - inicie sesión y tome las medidas necesarias.


2500 caracteres
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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