Fundraiser and offer catalog

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Selling items or services is a great way to support a fundraiser. Add your offer / auction now! Read more

Tickets & Vouchers • Other
Raffle Ticket, Enter to Win a Handcrafted Axe from our Workshop
Purchase a ticket to enter the raffle and win an axe crafted in our workshop!Once we raise 5000 euros from raffle tickets sold, we will make one axe t...

5 €

Sold: 177

End in 25 days!
Donation & Thanks
Nome sulla bacheca donatori + Ringraziamento sui social media personalizzato

10 €

Sold: 1

Donation & Thanks
Thank-you email
Every donation brings a smile to our faces. You will receive an email with our thanks, a photo from the competition, and a short description of our ex...

3 €

Sold: 1

End in 13 days!
Art & Craft • Paintings
Photography print in A4 size - nature edition.
A4 size print will be delivered without the watermark.

50 €

Autographs & Uniques • Other
Behind the scenes stills
We will send you via email an especially tailored selection of stills, curated by the creators of the series and a thank you!

25 €

Tickets & Vouchers • Other
Przejmij atrakcyjną domenę
Wspierając ten projekt, możesz stać się właścicielem tej atrakcyjnej domeny.Adres który może kierować do Twojej obecnej strony lu...

199 €

Available 1 pcs.

Donation & Thanks
6. Rokka gorge Details
Here we provide the package including hiking descriptions, interactive map, coordinates, tips, and much more. The Rokka Gorge is located in the far we...

2 €

Donation & Thanks
Le tue parole sui nostri social. Your words on our social networks
Spiegaci perché ci hai sostenuto inviandoci un video selfie, un tuo pensiero, oppure, se preferisci, penseremo noi ad intervistarti! Faremo una storia...

20 €

Home & Garden • Lighting
Ihre individuelle Wunschlampe
Gestalten Sie Ihre eigene Lithophan-Lampe! Senden Sie uns Ihre 2 Wunschfotos an [email protected] Sie erhalten eine Nachttischlampe mit 2 Motiven. ...

75 €

Art & Craft • Other
Bag with badge SkyWeavers
Thank you for your support. For this contribution we have a bag with our team badge for you, which we can give to you at EQC or another international ...

30 €

End in 13 days!

Offers and Auctions

Discover unique ways to help thanks to the catalogue of offers and auctions on! Here, you will not only discover inspiring initiatives but also unique items and services that you can buy or get by bidding in easy auctions. Add rewards and support the causes you care about!

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Get rewards from categories: For children; Fashion; Books; Arts & Crafts; Home & Garden; Beauty; Tickets & Vouchers; Autographs & Uniques; Sport, hobbies, tourism; Electronics & Music; Everyday shopping; Subscriptions; Donation & Thanks; Unique meeting; Others. Our offers and auctions provide a wide range of items and services to meet your needs, whether you have an interest in art, sport, travel, or anything else! 

Add offers and auctions to verified fundraisers you want to support with unique items and services. Become a founder of unique experiences. Our platform manages the selling and bidding process, and the entire system is designed to make all steps simple and intuitive. As the Organiser, you decide when offers and auctions can be added. We will notify you by email when a new Founder signs up! Learn more about bidding

New exciting rewards are added regularly. We encourage you to keep an eye on the catalogue so that you don't miss any forthcoming auctions. If you're wondering 'are there any auctions near me', you've come to the right place! Bid on unique items whilst supporting causes that are close to your heart. Our intuitive platform makes it easy to participate and every online auction is a chance to win something special. If you have any questions about how to bid or where to find an auction, our specialists are always ready to help!

Enter the fascinating world of online auctions and enjoy the chance to win rewards while supporting important causes. Find the answer to the question: How do auctions work? Bid and buy directly on our platform!

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