Cure my self
Cure my self
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Hello, Nicholas here. Im 30 yo, and have had a really hard time struggling with my mental health and deseases since i was a kid. I never asked for help as I didnt want to worry anyone of my family or pressure them with taking care of me and having to pay for my medication. This is all new to me. I only recently decided to come out in the light and solve my issues. I finally found a person who I feel happy with and who I want to be the right man for. I want to honestly look at my parents and tell them that everything is fine. I would like to live one single day of my life without feeling sad and depressed. Unfortunately I am not able to support all the costs for medications and doctors by my self. And i also do feel ashamed about seeking help from those willing to make a sacrifice for people they dont know and spread help and happines. I streave to be one of those people one day. I dont expect my cause to be as important or noble as others. But any kind of help would really be appreceated. If you are reading this I just want to let you know that wether you support my cause or not I really thank you for taking the time to read my story, and i hope you all have a lovely and peaceful life.
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