id: jsyxby



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Створіть фандрайзер
*Сума виражена в євро на основі середньозваженого курсу пожертв, зроблених у всіх валютах. Для більш детальної інформації також відвідайте


Greetings, friends and fellow dreamers!

I'm embarking on a journey to make my dream of owning a BMW a reality, and I need your help to drive it home! For years, the sleek design, powerful performance, and iconic status of BMW cars have captured my imagination, and now I'm determined to make one my own.

But I can't do it alone. That's where you come in.

Every day, I'll be posting stunning videos showcasing different BMW models, highlighting their elegance, innovation, and the thrill of the driving experience. With each captivating video, I hope to inspire you to join me on this journey.

Here's how you can help: by donating just $1, you'll not only be supporting my dream but also securing a piece of the journey for yourself. Together, we can turn this dream into a reality, one dollar and one BMW at a time.

Join me in making memories, chasing dreams, and cruising into the future behind the wheel of my very own BMW. Together, we'll create a story worth sharing and a journey worth remembering.

Thank you for being a part of this adventure!

Опису поки що немає.

Опису поки що немає.

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Завантажуйте мобільний додаток та збирайте кошти для своєї мети, де б ви не були!


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