id: akxekk

Two concerts CG and MMA (the choir from India). 25th jubilee of Concerto Glacensis.

Two concerts CG and MMA (the choir from India). 25th jubilee of Concerto Glacensis.

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A unique Polish–Indu music project for the 25th Jubilee of Concerto Glasensis Choir.

  1. We have a privilege to host a phenomenal, awarded with many titles and versatile choir, with 130 years of continuous activity, Madras Music Associations choir from Cennaj (previous Madras) in India.
  2. There will be two exceptional concerts:

28th September 2023 – “Wonderful World” concert, with music from around the world, including Tamal, Hindu and Polish pieces of music, especially arranged for this occasion with an aid of instrumental musicians playing etno music; the versatile and rich programme includes performances of both CG and MMA choirs and Polish and Indian soloists.

29th September 2023 – “Gloria”, a magnificient sacred music concert in a beautiful church in Kłodzko. There will be 150 artists, two choirs and an orchestra as a final piece performing Gloria D-dur by Antonio Vivaldi.

  1. The collected funds are needed to cover accommodation and hosting expenses for 54 members of Madras Music Association choir, (the travel costs will be covered by the MMA members); the costs of hiring instrumentalists and the orchestra and composers of the especially arranged pieces for our jubilee.
  2. Please patronage our project by your donation. This will show beauty of multicultural music, friendship and cooperation of musicians from two distant places of the world.

Let’s organise this music feast together. We count on your support. 

Опису поки що немає.

Опису поки що немає.

Корисні посилання 1

Пожертвування 2

5 €
Приховані дані


2500 символи
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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