As part of our immense gratitude for the support of our team, you will receive an official diploma issued by our sports club. It is the perfect opportunity to share that you have a big heart as a sports patron and use it on social media, websites or to hang it in your office.
30 €
50 €
20 €
3 €
15 €
Наразі немає інших пропозицій щодо цього збору коштів.
Diploma with thanks in PDF format
40 €
As part of our immense gratitude for the support of our team, you will receive an official diploma issued by our sports club. It is the perfect opportunity to share that you have a big heart as a sports patron and use it on social media, websites or to hang it in your office.
Додаткова інформація
Увійдіть на , щоб написати Організатору.
Доставка електронною поштою.
30 €
50 €
20 €
3 €
15 €
Наразі немає інших пропозицій щодо цього збору коштів.