id: vk757j

Lengthening limbs

Lengthening limbs

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*Belopp uttryckt i euro baserat på den vägda genomsnittskursen för donationer gjorda i alla valutor. För mer information besök också



Dear friends, family, acquaintances...

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Surgery at the Orthopedic & Spine Institute at St. Mary's Medical Center in the USA needed to lengthen Kamie's legs and arms enough to allow her to comb her hair, wash or eat, learn and play, and perform many other life activities on her own.

The Kama must be in the clinic with an accompanying person (there will be 3 people, because the Kama cannot walk and has to be carried for now) and for a period of about 1.5 years - therefore the initial costs are - PLN 1,300,000

Many thanks to all donors - we wish you health and happiness!

Account for EURO in the EU and SEPA zone:

Kaja Pawlikowska


 IBAN: BE05 9673 0367 9175


Account for EURO from outside the EU and SEPA zone:


 IBAN: BE05 9673 0367 9175

Wise's address: Avenue Louise 54, Room S52

Brussels 1050


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