id: shaf32

Gift bags women’s day 2024

Gift bags women’s day 2024

Vad ska du samla in pengar till idag?
*Belopp uttryckt i euro baserat på den vägda genomsnittliga kursen för donationer gjorda i alla valutor. För ytterligare information besök


Join us in making a difference this Women's Day 2024! We are organizing a fundraiser to provide gift bags filled with essential goods and beauty products for women in Malta who are unable to afford them. 

In our community, there are countless women who struggle to make ends meet and prioritize their basic needs over self-care. We believe that every woman deserves to feel special and pampered, regardless of their financial situation. 

By contributing to this fundraiser, you can help us create gift bags that will bring joy and confidence to these women. Your support will enable us to purchase high-quality beauty products, toiletries, and other items that they may not have the means to buy themselves. 

Together, we can make a difference in the lives of these women who often go unnoticed. Let's show them that they are valued and cared for. 

Whether you can donate financially or contribute by spreading the word about our fundraiser, every effort counts. Share this message with your friends, family, and colleagues, and let's come together as a community to uplift and empower these women. 

Remember, a small act of kindness can have a profound impact on someone's life. Let's make Women's Day 2024 a day of sharing and caring. Join us in making a positive change in our community. 

Donate today and help us bring smiles to the faces of women who deserve to feel special. Together, we can make a difference!

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2500 karaktärer
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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