id: pn5uu4




We're lucky to live in such amazing and very beautiful country - heart if Europe - POLAND.

This polish wonderland is rich in breathtaking places and landscapes. We have access to the sea on the north (Baltic Sea) with a lot of picturesque beach resorts, and awesome mountain ranges on the south of country.

We're proud also because of our lake district called Mazury (Masuria) - very popular place to spend your free time, even the whole holidays!

We're bordering with a few (7) another cool countries (Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania and Russia), not so far away to visit it too, as additional trip.

We have some historic castles in here and also many modern entertainment places to have fun and sport.

The weather in Poland is regular - we have mostly hot, sunny summers, cold winters also with snow and beautiful spring and golden autumn as well.

Tourist are always happy visiting our country.

Since couple of months i'm planing to start a new, fresh project focusing to promoting POLAND and polish culture, language & places.

I was always interested in photographing, video editing, website building and journalism, so it would be a great opportunity to bring it all together with this one project!

I'm thinking about individual website of project and other connected popular social media profiles for fans and subscribers.

The final vision is huge and it's all will cost a lot of money invested as well, for hardware, other equipment and further operational invoices. Other side it will take a lot of time too, especially i'm alone with this all.

This project will be dedicated to other people who love Poland and who are interested in Poland.

So, if you want to support me and this ambitious project, feel free to do it! It's completely voluntary and donation amount depends only of you! :)

It's open profile for individual donators and bigger sponsors as well!

If you like the idea and want to help, but can't donate any amount, you can still helping sharing it across the internet to reach other interested private people and investors :)

Thanks for your attention!

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Det finns ingen beskrivning ännu.

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Arrangören får 100 % av dina pengar - vi tar inte ut någon avgift
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Organisatören kan fokusera helt på sitt arbete
Du får permanent tillgång till inlägg och en särskild utmärkelse
Du behöver inte komma ihåg nästa betalning
Det är lättare än du tror :)
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Ladda ner mobilapp och samla in pengar till ditt mål var du än befinner dig!


Ingen har skapat en sparbössa för denna insamling ännu. Din sparbössa kan bli den första!

Kommentarer 1

2500 karaktärer
  • Piotr Meier

    We're looking for some great people who could help us and support with some donations so we can finally ground our foundation! :)