id: ga82zr

To go home

To go home

Vad ska du samla in pengar till idag?
*Belopp uttryckt i euro baserat på den vägda genomsnittliga kursen för donationer gjorda i alla valutor. För ytterligare information besök


Hello fellow humans,

2019 i came to Denmark as a student in a refuge program. I worked in kitchens as a dishwasher and bricks layers in a construction site. But because of pandemic and work accident, we had been kicked out of the country and had to refuge in Portugal since 2020. With a broken arm and pandemic we were jobless for 6 months. I worked hard to provide my family food and shelter, went to do the construction job, could not be accepted to work because of one arm that doesn't function properly. And i have been working in underpaid jobs because of my conditions.

My wife gave birth to a beautiful baby girl a year ago, she has not been able to go home since past 4 years. We have been constantly grinding and at the end of the year we could only save 500€.

My wife had to stop working as she got pregnant almost 21 months and it has been really hard for us with the baby aasthe baby has been tthrougha lot, ICU and NICU for months because oof breathing condition in her birth. The baby is now happy and healthy, how ever i want her to visit her grandparents and has not been able to do so.I was looking for part time jobs during the day as i work full time during the nights since a year, but couldn't get any.

Atlast as my final resort i find this as only possible solution to make this happen.

Please help if you can 🙏

Det finns ännu ingen beskrivning.

Det finns ännu ingen beskrivning.


Ingen har skapat en sparbössa för denna insamling ännu. Din sparbössa kan bli den första!


inga donationer ännu, var först med att donera!

Inga donationer ännu, var först med att donera!



2500 karaktärer
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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