For creating an organic farm and food production.
For creating an organic farm and food production.
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We need your investment for which we will pay and earn from the invested amount.
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Natural farming and healthy food
Life in the rhythm of nature
The most important thing is not what dishes we cook, how many vegetables we eat and how many calories we consume. The basis of all nutrition is the quality of the products we choose. We can eat only vegetables and fruits, but if they were grown in industrial farms that use large amounts of fertilizers, pesticides and other chemicals, if the vegetables are grown indoors, even without soil, but only in a mixture of water and fertilizers, they are unlikely to be useful for our health. I invite everyone to read about what natural agriculture teaches us. Monitoring the quality of food is especially important for all of us who want to be healthy. Food can be both medicine and poison for us.
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Skapa en spårningslänk för att se vilken effekt din andel har på den här insamlingen. Ta reda på mer om detta.