Szyszka’s surgery 🦷
Szyszka’s surgery 🦷
Vad ska du samla in pengar till idag?
Update: Szyszka has successfully undergone surgery, but I still haven't raised enough funds to cover the clinic bill 💔
Thank you very much for any donations and shares!
I'm saving up for my cat's teeth removal surgery.
Szyszka and her sister Szarlotka are young cats who had a hard start in life. As little kittens, they were malnourished, worm-infested and they have gone through many infections. These early health issues likely contributed to their current condition. Now, despite proper care, good diet and hygiene, they developed a disease called FORL (Feline Odontoclastic Resorptive Lesion). That cause a lot of pain, so I want to collect money as soon as possible.
Until now, I have managed to improve both cats' health through frequent treatments and medical check-ups, but I am currently facing financial difficulties and can no longer afford the costs of their treatments.
I would be incredibly grateful if you could contribute to this fundraiser and help me reach the necessary amount for Szyszka’s surgery ❤️

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