
Appear in post-credits as Executive producer of the Short-Film,

You will also get:

- a day on set,

- being an extra

- an invitation to a private screening

invitation for the premiere of the Short - film whether it is in London or Naples.

Tickets & Vouchers • Events agency
Attend the Q and A with cast and Crew
You have the opportunity to stay with the cast & crew for a Q andA after the premiere and/or screening event organized with you as the audience.

50 €

Ticket to the premiere
Ticket to the premiere once the Short-film is fully completed.We will be holding a Premiere in London, and in Naples.

10 €

Make your brand appear in our Short Film!
Make your brand appear in our Short Film, your brand will get:- wide promotion in newspapers worldwide and will get noticed even more in Film Festival...

5000 €

Autographs & Uniques • Celebrities
Get an autograph from Cast & Crew
You can get an autograph from our Cast and Crew

200 €


Det finns för närvarande inga andra erbjudanden på den här insamlingen.

Appear in post credit

1000 €



Appear in post-credits as Executive producer of the Short-Film,

You will also get:

- a day on set,

- being an extra

- an invitation to a private screening

invitation for the premiere of the Short - film whether it is in London or Naples.

Ytterligare information


, för att skicka ett meddelande till Organiser.


Leverans via e-post.

Tickets & Vouchers • Events agency
Attend the Q and A with cast and Crew
You have the opportunity to stay with the cast & crew for a Q andA after the premiere and/or screening event organized with you as the audience.

50 €

Ticket to the premiere
Ticket to the premiere once the Short-film is fully completed.We will be holding a Premiere in London, and in Naples.

10 €

Make your brand appear in our Short Film!
Make your brand appear in our Short Film, your brand will get:- wide promotion in newspapers worldwide and will get noticed even more in Film Festival...

5000 €

Autographs & Uniques • Celebrities
Get an autograph from Cast & Crew
You can get an autograph from our Cast and Crew

200 €


Det finns för närvarande inga andra erbjudanden på den här insamlingen.