id: 28ncwd

Ukrainian woman who lost her family and home

Ukrainian woman who lost her family and home

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The story of a 18-year-old Ukrainian woman who lost her family and home. I woke up again to the sound of bombing. I ran out of my room and saw that my window was broken. The air was full of dust and smoke.

"Mom, Dad, where are you?" I cried. "Brother, what's wrong with you?"

I couldn't hear them. I ran around the house, but they were nowhere to be found.

Outside, it was dark and cold. There was gunfire and explosions everywhere.

"I have to find them," I said to myself.

I ran out of the house and hurried into the street. People were running and screaming everywhere around me.

Suddenly, I heard the sound of an airplane. I looked up and saw that it was coming towards us.

"It's falling!" I cried.

The plane crashed into a nearby house. The house immediately caught fire.

Did I kill my family and brother too?

I stood there and watched as my home burned. I felt completely alone and lost.

I knew I had to leave Ukraine. I wanted to be safe.

I crossed the border into Poland. In Poland, I met volunteers who helped me.

They put me up in a shelter and gave me food and clothes.

I decided I wanted to continue my studies. I applied to university in Bratislava.

In Bratislava, I met other Ukrainians who had lost their homes. We started helping each other.

I would be grateful for any contribution, it would help me a lot ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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2500 karaktärer
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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