Life restart
Life restart
Pentru ce veți strânge fonduri astăzi?
Back in time, I have made a lot of mistakes, took some bad decisions and now, because of that, I can not move on and start to live normal life.
I was young and dumb when I thought that money is everything. I borrowed money and did not have enough income to pay my credits. How time went on, my debts have increased and now I have no other chance to pay them all and start normal life again.
Last summer I started my own business with my girlfriend, we opened a little bistro where we work together and now, because of all those mistakes I have made, I am in danger of loosing everything.
I just want to start to live a normal life, so one day I can propose to my gf and make kids. These days it just seems impossible.

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Creați un link de urmărire pentru a vedea ce impact are partea dvs. asupra acestei campanii de strângere de fonduri. Aflați mai multe.