Help Gaza and Support Palestinian Civilians
Help Gaza and Support Palestinian Civilians
Pentru ce veți strânge fonduri astăzi?
There is a humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza. Before October 7, about 80% of Gaza's population of over two million people relied on humanitarian aid. Now, nearly every resident urgently needs aid. Anera is delivering food, water, medicine and hygiene kits right now to those in Gaza displaced by the war. Donate now to help innocent lives in Gaza.
Help Gaza and Support Palestinian Civilians
Before October 7, Anera delivered sustainable development and humanitarian aid to Gaza by providing educational and livelihood opportunities, critical medical aid and supplies and infrastructure to help its residents. In the future, we will do this work again. Our priority at the moment is to provide civilians in Gaza with essential supplies to survive this humanitarian catastrophe

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Creați un link de urmărire pentru a vedea ce impact are partea dvs. asupra acestei campanii de strângere de fonduri. Aflați mai multe.