id: x9nrdw

For bmw E36 restoration

For bmw E36 restoration

Pentru ce vei strânge fonduri astăzi?
*Suma exprimată în euro pe baza ratei medii ponderate a donațiilor făcute în toate valutele. Pentru mai multe detalii, vizitați și


7frYKM3EwPQGlDJo.jpgAfter spending something about 7000 euros in last one and a half year since we bought this car. Finnaly we are financially broke, to continue the restoration process. The car have got a lot of repairs, and upgrades, but the salty roads and hard road conditions in our country, have done big damage to the car frame. I will weld everything by myself, but we cant afford to buy a materials, and pay for the car painter after we will finish all the welding stuff and restoration. So we hope you all will help us to achieve our dream.

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Donații 1

5 €


2500 caractere
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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