id: wy2h32

HELP Szilveszter

HELP Szilveszter


Helo, my name is Szilveszter, I’m 38 years old. I have always been known as a cheerful man.

I loved the little things, I could take the life, until this whole thing started one day on the other, and this whole thing has turned my whole life upside down. I have suffered from a very rare autoimmune genetic disorder since I was a very young child. When I was 8 years old, diagnosed a few years ago in Bucharest.


My life with this underlying disease, the Behcet syndrome also harms him in many areas. The disease attacked my vision, I have serious retinal problems, I have cataract surgery with both eyes, my eyes in constant inflammation. I also have an eye injury in my left eye. I can't read at all with my left, my right eye has also deteriorated significantly. There are even more to these diseases: lactose and gluten sensitivity, severe food allergies. Therefore I can’t eat products made from wheat, barley, milk. I also have allergies for yeast. I also have severe prostate inflammation that is constantly treated.


Because of these problems, I need emergency and hospital care several times a year.

I have to take a lot of drugs and I have to get a lot of treatments that cost a lot of money a month. And I've had cancer six times, and I've had thromboses once.

My underlying disease did not spare my teeth, this has also made a big contribution to that I have lost 3 front teeth, as well as the rest of the next one was significantly loosened, deformed, because of this, deformed, there is great difficulty in eating! I need an implant for intervention and denture as soon as possible, to stop this process, to stop this process.

Because of my illness, my nose bleeds all the time, as well as other parts of my body.


I have great pain constantly in my whole body. I also received Immunosuppressant treatment and other treatment (eg: injection to the eye). Because of these illnesses, I was forced to stop my job prematurely, I am a patient pensioner at the age of 38, I also receive very few disability benefits! Unfortunately, these are ridiculously small amounts, which can't even cover the price of my medicines! The foods I eat are also very expensive and difficult to find. The disease also affected my back and stomach.

I have to sleep a lot, so I can't take a job. I sleep a lot I find it hard to stay awake. A special diet also costs a lot of money.


Because of my illness, due multiple treatments and drug costs due to surgical interventions I was forced to pile on a loan (from individuals too) and I've come to the point where I can't pay it back anymore!

I ask you to give me a chance for a better future.

Thank you in advance for your help!



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