id: wf62tv

MENtoRISE MLM SuperStars 2024 Competition Season

MENtoRISE MLM SuperStars 2024 Competition Season

Pentru ce vei strânge fonduri astăzi?
*Suma exprimată în euro pe baza ratei medii ponderate a donațiilor făcute în toate valutele. Pentru mai multe detalii, vizitați și


We are very glad to be one more year at the UCI Continental Team Level and we have the opportunity to race great contests internationally. Spain, Portugal, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Turkey or China and many others, will be our stops for this year, that means a lot of effort for the Riders part and a great responsibility for the Staff.

With your help, everything is becoming more easier and we can offer the best conditions to our sportive crew. Better materials, accommodations, meals, supplements, equipment, maybe a Team Car, all this will contribute for their success.

Thank you!

#mentorise #wegrowtogether #cyclingfamily

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Donații 2

Keep Moving
20 €
Cristian Florin Piciu
50 €


2500 caractere
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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