id: w6v2m4

For medical fees and two month rent

For medical fees and two month rent

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*Monte exprimată în euro pe baza ratei medii ponderate a donațiilor făcute în toate monedele. Pentru mai multe detalii, vizitați și


As in the past my Invalidity pension hasn't arrived yet. Which is making it really hard for me to get by. Recently I had a sudden drop of my hemoglobin and had to do a transfusion.. It is getting worst each time and having a hard time getting by. i am continuing with my hemo dialysis three time a week. So it is also almost impossible for me to work. I have worked all my life, now that I am 70 years old or young which you prefer, I feel the weight to have to get by all by myself. If you can, even with a small doneaion, please do so. I would appreciate it very much, I thank you all for the attention you are giving me.

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