id: vddz6e

Buying a home to start a family with love of my life

Buying a home to start a family with love of my life

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*Suma exprimată în euro pe baza ratei medii ponderate a donațiilor făcute în toate valutele. Pentru mai multe detalii, vizitați și


Hi. My name is Dominik. I am originally Croatian and because of my very unfortunate past i had to escape from Croatia to look for a job to be able to support my mother. My mother and i have lost home and my mother and I was homeless when I was teenager and I was surviving by reparing old electronics and selling them to get money for food. Now I am working in Ireland as a chef where i have met love of my life. Now i am earning enough money to support my sick mother in Croatia. I don't want anyone to get the feeling of that to not have home and to be hungry so I am trying to save money to be able to buy a house and start a family so my kids never have yo worry about will they have home.

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Nu există încă o descriere.


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încă nu există donații, fii primul care donează!

Încă nu există donații, fii primul care donează!



2500 caractere
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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