id: t3vx2u

Research in saving nature by making oil from algae to replace plant based oil.

Research in saving nature by making oil from algae to replace plant based oil.


Support my research project, making a better tomorrow with this research course where the subject is biotech and algae!

What kind of future do we want for our children, our nature, the animals and for ourselves?

Do we want the rainforests, rivers and oceans to thrive, or do we want to keep killing all life because of oil?

I have been granted the opportunity to attend a 12 day course at University of Algarve in Portugal, where the aim is to research algae and upportunities for making sustainable food and medical biosolutions.

This course can help me find the best algae strains for oil production, the best technology available and to network with enigneers, researchers and other startups.

My main focus is research on the best high tech solutions for deriving algae oil, and being able to replace plant based oil with oil from algae.

My goal is to come home with a full description of a project that has the potential to get funded and produced.

I sincerely hope you will help me make a better tomorrow!

The total fee is 2000 Euros for the stay and flight!

Together we are stronger!

Nu există încă nicio descriere.

Nu există încă nicio descriere.

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2500 caractere
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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