Make new app. App for everything.
Make new app. App for everything.
Pentru ce veți strânge fonduri astăzi?
The world's first app for everything! An advertising application in which the business pays directly to the client at the rate that the application user himself sets!
You value your time. The companies and favorite brands send you information about what it has created for you when you want it. You spend the money you receive on whatever you want or create an ad yourself and use the application for whatever you want.

Nu există încă nicio descriere.
Creați un link de urmărire pentru a vedea ce impact are partea dvs. asupra acestei campanii de strângere de fonduri. Aflați mai multe.
Creați un link de urmărire pentru a vedea ce impact are partea dvs. asupra acestei campanii de strângere de fonduri. Aflați mai multe.