id: mj2sy9

For my cancer-bucketlist

For my cancer-bucketlist


I am Daniel, 45 years old, divorced, but a father of 2. I have two beautiful and lovely daughters, 14 and 10 years old.

I am diagnosed with cancer, type: multiplex myalom. It is unhealable, so I have not so many years left. Of course, I am able to verify, confirm and certify my illness and situation with documents.

I couldn't work nowadays, because I am ill. I get only sickness-benefit.

Because of it, my illness and because of I will die in some years, I made a bucketlist.

I would like to collect money for my bucketlist. I would like to make some journeys before I die or things will be goes wrongly.

First I would like to see and show to my daughters the polar light live in Sweden. On the other hands, I am interested in second world war, and would like to see the Ardennes in Belgium and the D-day coast in France.

If it is possible, I would like to have a swim with dolphins together with my daughters.

Thank you for your attention, helping hand and cooperation!!!

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Nu există încă nicio descriere.

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Organizatorul primește 100% din fondurile tale - nu percepem niciun comision.
Rămâneți în control deplin - puteți întrerupe asistența în orice moment, fără nicio obligație.
Organizatorul se poate concentra pe deplin asupra activității sale
Ai acces permanent la postări și o distincție specială
Nu trebuie să vă amintiți de următoarele plăți
Este mai ușor decât crezi :)


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