we want to have our roof repaired because it gets wet in many places and unfortunately I can't do it on my own, I work in many places in vain, thank you
we want to have our roof repaired because it gets wet in many places and unfortunately I can't do it on my own, I work in many places in vain, thank you
Pentru ce veți strânge fonduri astăzi?
unfortunately, the roof on our house is old, and it gets wet in several places. I can't replace the pot anymore because the rest are also falling apart. The wooden structure has rotted in several places, which also needs to be replaced, but unfortunately I can't solve it on my own, even though I'm working in several places, please help me, even if it's just a little bit

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Creați un link de urmărire pentru a vedea ce impact are partea dvs. asupra acestei campanii de strângere de fonduri. Aflați mai multe.