id: dg4xfa

Outdoor Onlinestore

Outdoor Onlinestore

Pentru ce vei strânge fonduri astăzi?
*Suma exprimată în euro pe baza ratei medii ponderate a donațiilor făcute în toate valutele. Pentru mai multe detalii, vizitați și


The Business 


We would like to offer our customers a carefree and comfortable nature experience with a healthy respect for nature, this idea drives us forward. Our business consists of the trade of cheap to mid-range outdoor products. From lovely jackets to an outdoor shower to cool off after the stage destination. + Development of an outdoor app with functions for the simple arrangement of, for example, a campfire in the limited forest, as well as botany and an area for children.


What are the Goals and who is the target group? 

The overriding goal for the next 7 years is to build up a customer base and to establish new products, and to present them to the public in an authentic and interesting way. The target group is very large. For example the normal camper or his children.







The website is designed in a clean white/black design. 


Take a look at our extremely exciting photos.

You will find them on our Social Media Channels.  







Nu există încă o descriere.

Nu există încă o descriere.

Oferte/licitații 3

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Creat de organizator:
The gift "Firestarter" as a thank you for you.
20 €
S-a încheiat
The gift "Pathfinder" as a thank you for you.
30 €
S-a încheiat
Real Supporter
The gift "Supporter" as a thank you for you.
50 €
S-a încheiat

Cutii de bani

Nimeni nu a creat încă moneybox pentru această strângere de fonduri. Cutia ta de bani poate fi prima!


încă nu există donații, fii primul care donează!

Nu au existat donații


2500 caractere
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

Niciun comentariu încă, fii primul care comentează!