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We are the Kompogiorgas brothers , Thanos 28 years old and Giannos18 years old , After our father Vangelis sudden loss , we try to recover, and keep our tradition alive. How? With your donation we are going to buy wood and sails to make small wooden sail boats so we can teach the next generations to sail with the traditional way and respect the sea life , only sails and rowing without any other pollution to the environment ! Help us continue his dream and be a part of our project for a better and a greener world !!!!!!
In advance we are very happy to meet you in our place in Spetses Island Greece so you can see and be a part of our wooden boat craftsmanship.
For the Donators above 500€ , your generosity will be rewarded with a handmade wooden boat scale model in presice shipbuilding line in scale 1:20
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LocationSpetses, Greece
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