id: 7m3jpc

Treatment, surgery and recovery for the orphan's grandmother

Treatment, surgery and recovery for the orphan's grandmother

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I dare to ask you for help for Mrs. Adiza. 

Mrs. Adiza is 74 years old. She lives in Kumasi, Ghana. She is raising her grandson alone. She was the only breadwinner of the family until she got sick. At first it was fever and stomach problems, then day after day she was losing strength. Now she is unable to walk. She doesn't go to work.


You have to pay for medical care in Ghana, which Mrs. Adiza cannot afford. She payed only for basic blood and serum test which confirmed the infection of Salmonella typhi (typhoid fever bacteria). 


Today Mrs. Adiza has complications that require surgical intervention, which is very expensive. 


Please help !!!

Without proper treatment Mrs. Adiza will die and leave alone a grandson whom she has been raising since he was a child.


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