id: 4c7g2j

PC - Gift for my best friend

PC - Gift for my best friend

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*Suma exprimată în euro pe baza ratei medii ponderate a donațiilor făcute în toate valutele. Pentru mai multe detalii, vizitați și


Hi, my name is Matej and i come from Slovenia. As you can see i posted this fundraiser. The purpose of this fundraiser is to buy my best friend Nik a PC. Me and Nik have been friends for over 4 years now, he is my best friend. Nik has always supported me through my toughest moments in my life, so i wanted to give him something in return. Me and Nik both go to college now, 1st year of college. I have a laptop at home and Nik has a very bad PC at home, that barely works, so I wanted to suprise him with a brand new PC. If i could i would have buy him, but right now i am in college and i dont have the money to afford it, also my schedule of tests is busy, so i dont have time to work. He is into gaming, so thats why i thought of buying him this PC. The prices are high for thoose kind of PC. It would mean a lot to me if you could donate, even just a little bit, beacouse my second plan is if i dont gather enough money for new PC, i would buy him one very good used PC. Even if I could gather 200 eur, it would still be a lot to me, with that money i could buy him some used PC.

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încă nu există donații, fii primul care donează!

Încă nu există donații, fii primul care donează!

Donații inactive - este necesară operațiunea organizatorului strângerii de fonduri. Dacă sunteți Organizator - conectați-vă și luați măsurile necesare.


2500 caractere
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

Niciun comentariu încă, fii primul care comentează!