id: thgrd3

Helping a friend (vet) through PTSD and a new life

Helping a friend (vet) through PTSD and a new life

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Hi everyone, I want to tell my friends story and hopefully get him back on track.

He don't know I am doing this, as he is to proud to let other people helping him.

I fear for his life as the nightmares seems endless and his whole life is infected by it.

Here is a small description of Thomas past, in short:

My name is Thomas, I want to share a part of my story with you and how a fight turns into defeat and a defeat is a defeat Unless...... It's not a fancy tale, but it's a real one.

My life has been one hell of a rollercoaster ride, starting with a difficult childhood that left deep scars. Then, in 1995, I decided to serve my country. They said, “Duty and honor,” and I took the plunge. Little did I know what lay ahead.

In 2009 I was in Helmand province in Afghanistan, and it was probably after this trip that something had to trigger the avalanche. Traumatic things happened and I came back with a heavy burden called PTSD just waiting to show its ugly face.

PTSD is a real troublemaker. It messed up my job, my relationships, and just about every part of my life. Nightmares, anxiety, and emotional chaos became my everyday companions.

But here's the thing - I believe in the power of healing, I have no other choice. I am 47 years old now and have the will and faith. So I've been on this journey trying to make things right. I have gone to therapy, joined support groups and tried all kinds of help and support. It's been a bumpy ride, but giving up now is giving up on life. (not a day goes by where I don't wish everything would just come to an abrupt halt.

Now I turn to you for help. Your support means the world to me. Your donation will go towards continuing my therapy, covering my medication and even researching other ways to fight this beast of PTSD. And it's not just me, your help can help others going through the same struggle.

So, if you can help with a buck or two, it'll take me a step closer to taking my life back from PTSD.

Your kindness will stick with me forever, and I can't thank you enough for it.

Thanks for hearing me out and considering being part of my journey.

Your support is like a ray of sunshine in my life, and I'm truly grateful for it.

With sincere thanks,


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