id: ndncuk

Help the orphans in Romania

Help the orphans in Romania

Kam jūs šodien vāksiet līdzekļus?
*Summa izteikta euro, pamatojoties uz vidējo svērto ziedojumu kursu visās valūtās. Sīkāka informācija pieejama arī vietnē


We invests in cultivating Christ-centered homes devoted to providing a safe haven for Romania’s underserved and abandoned children. The share of the total population of children in Romania at risk of poverty or social exclusion (AROPE rate) is among the highest in the EU (41.5% vs an EU average of 23.9%) and almost 1 in 3 Romanian children experienced severe material and social deprivation in 2020. (2022 European Semester Country Report .Help us put a smile on their faces !!! THANK YOU !!!

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vēl nav ziedojumu, esi pirmais, kas ziedo!

Ziedojumi netika saņemti


2500 rakstzīmes
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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