id: wjb526

Help Dar Guzeppa Debono

Help Dar Guzeppa Debono

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*Suma išreikšta eurais pagal vidutinį svertinį aukų, paaukotų visomis valiutomis, kursą. Daugiau informacijos taip pat rasite


Join us in celebrating the spirit of Mother's Day by extending a helping hand to young mothers in need. Dar Guzeppa Debono, a dedicated Non-Governmental Organization, stands by these mothers, providing crucial support throughout their pregnancies. This Mother's Day, let's honor the selfless work of Maria Attard and the entire team at Dar Guzeppa Debono by coming together to raise funds.

Your contribution will empower Maria to reach even more mothers, offering them guidance, care, and resources during this transformative journey into motherhood. By supporting Dar Guzeppa Debono, you're not just giving financial assistance; you're expressing gratitude for the countless lives touched and transformed, including mine and that of my birth mother.

Every donation, no matter the size, makes a difference. Together, let's make this Mother's Day truly special by creating a ripple of positive change for young mothers.

The first woman who sought refuge was in 1986. Since then, Maria has helped countless women and children.

Thank you for your generosity and for joining us in spreading love and support to those who need it most <3

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Aprašymo dar nėra.

Pinigų dėžutės

Šiai lėšų rinkimo priemonei dar niekas nesukūrė pinigų dėžutės. Jūsų pinigų dėžutė gali būti pirmoji!

Dovanos 11

Josef Lauri
300 €
Kyle Patrick
75 €
Jo Milton
100 €
Paslėpti duomenys
100 €
20 €
50 €
50 €
Neregistruotas naudotojas
5 €
Neregistruotas naudotojas
100 €


2500 ženklai
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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