id: vtz3u5



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My name is Antonio. I am from Romania and I suffer from bipolar disorder and anxiety. Because of these issues, it is hard for me to find stable employment, so I work day-to-day to survive. I take four pills a day as part of my treatment, which I need to follow for at least a year, and I attend virtual reality therapy sessions that my mother pays for out of her small pension, but it is very difficult for her. I would like to have a virtual reality headset at home to continue my treatment. Please help me with donations so I can afford the treatment I need. Any contribution, no matter how small, is welcome and deeply appreciated.

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Atsisiųskite mobiliąją programėlę ir rinkite lėšas savo tikslui pasiekti, kad ir kur būtumėte!


2500 ženklai
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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