id: vetbj8

Pay off loans because my girlfriend fell ill and we had only one income

Pay off loans because my girlfriend fell ill and we had only one income

Neaktyvios aukos - reikalinga lėšų rinkimo organizatoriaus operacija. Jei esate Organizatorius - prisijunkite ir atlikite reikiamus veiksmus.
Ši lėšų rinkimo priemonė neturi pinigų dėžutės
Lėšų rinkimo priemonės papildymas pinigų dėžute

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2 years ago my girlfriend fell ill and we had to start some loans to pay off our loan for the home , car etc

im a young guy (30m) from belgium , i didnt really had a good youth because my mother was a alcholic and my father passed away when i was younger

i didnt finish my school because i had to take care of my sister and older brother because my mother would like her local pub more then her childeren … so with that in mind i didnt had a degree in anything but stil i managed to get to school when i was a little older and got to meet my gf

she’s a teacher and honestly the reason why i keep on going !

after 5 years we managed to get a loan (becasue of hard work ,no hand outs )

and have paid monthly now after 2 years my gf began to have seizure’s on her job and was fired because of it … to make matters worse she fell ill and had to be hospitalized and everything fell on my pay ( isnt much ) i dont blame her but we had to take a loan to pay off

she’s on the better hand right now but we have to rebuild everything and with all those loans it seems impossible … to be honest im on the verge of a depression

we have eachother but building towards a future seems so far away so if u can… please help us out 20 000 isnt the whole loan but it makes life a little easier

sorry for my bad english but im trying to find a solution to our problem because we want to build a future and just be happy !

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Neaktyvios aukos - reikalingas lėšų rinkėjo organizatoriaus veikimas. Jei esate Organizatorius - prisijunkite ir imkitės reikiamų veiksmų.


2500 ženklai
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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