id: ve5t3c

Help orphans back to schools

Help orphans back to schools

Neaktyvios aukos - reikalinga lėšų rinkimo organizatoriaus operacija. Jei esate Organizatorius - prisijunkite ir atlikite reikiamus veiksmus.

Kam šiandien rinksite lėšas?
*Suma išreikšta eurais pagal vidutinį svertinį aukų, paaukotų visomis valiutomis, kursą. Daugiau informacijos taip pat rasite


Help Orphans to GO BACK TO SCHOOL.

My dear Donors,

I would like to Thank all of you who are helping on this campaign. This campaign on behalf of my friend / family who passed away due to COVID. His two children are facing financial difficulties to continue their studies. i would like to raise 2500 Euro. So they will be able start school. They are 7 and 5 years old.

Your generosity can make a significant impact on the lives of these two kids. They can get best possible education and prepare them a bright future.

Any contribution, No matter the size, will be greatly appreciated including share in social medial or any other platform from you.

I appreciate your support. Thanking you in advance for considering a donation to these two orphans and committing to help create a brighter future for these children.

Aprašymo dar nėra.

Aprašymo dar nėra.



dar nėra aukų, aukokite pirmieji!

Dar nėra aukų, aukokite pirmieji!

Neaktyvios aukos - reikalingas lėšų rinkėjo organizatoriaus veikimas. Jei esate Organizatorius - prisijunkite ir imkitės reikiamų veiksmų.


2500 ženklai
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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