id: uhduh4

To buy Van

To buy Van

Kam šiandien rinksite lėšas?
Sukurti lėšų rinkimo priemonę
*Suma išreikšta eurais pagal vidutinį svertinį aukų, paaukotų visomis valiutomis, kursą. Daugiau informacijos taip pat rasite


Hello there,

I hope this message finds you well.

I am writing to discuss the need for additional funds to acquire a van for my job.

My current job requires regular transportation to various locations to ensure efficient and timely service.

Having a dedicated van will greatly enhance my productivity and enable me to serve our clients more effectively.

With a van, I will be able to transport balloons, equipment, and materials easily, ensuring that I have everything I need for the job at hand.

Additionally, it will allow me to carry larger items or quantities if necessary, thus saving time and effort.

I understand that obtaining a van requires a significant financial investment, and I kindly request your support in securing the necessary funds.

Investing in a van for my job will be beneficial not only for me but also for the overall success of the work I do.

It will help me provide better service, improve efficiency, and contribute to the growth of our business.

Thank you for considering my request.

Your support in acquiring a van for my job would be immensely valuable and greatly appreciated.

Any funds will be appreciated 🥰

Best regards,


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Atsisiųskite mobiliąją programėlę ir rinkite lėšas savo tikslui pasiekti, kad ir kur būtumėte!

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2500 ženklai
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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