id: p43kdt

fund production costs of the art

fund production costs of the art


Vesta Vaitkute

born in Lithuania (y. 2002) is a contemporary artist who combines scientific and philosophical disciplines into art.

She is an emerging artist with ambition to create her own artist's residency in the future. In order to make that happen she wants to strongly establish herself in the art scene. The money you will donate, she will use for the productions of her work, education and marketing. For more information about Vesta's mission and her artwork you can visit the website

To show gratitude, I will send you a digital artwork that you can use for your space and if you donate more than 1 000 eu, I will send you a personal painting and a note. If you wish to buy artwork rather than donate, please contact via gmail [email protected]

Aprašymo dar nėra.

Aprašymo dar nėra.

Nuolatinių aukų privalumai:
Organizatorius gauna 100 % jūsų lėšų - mes neimame jokio mokesčio.
Išliekate visiškoje kontrolėje - galite bet kada nutraukti paramą be jokių įsipareigojimų.
Organizatorius gali visiškai susitelkti į savo darbą.
Gausite nuolatinę prieigą prie pranešimų ir specialų išskirtinumą
Jums nereikia prisiminti apie kitus mokėjimus
Tai lengviau, nei manote :)


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2500 ženklai
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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