id: k5kwx5

For the opening of a cat café (Lithuania-Klaipėda)

For the opening of a cat café (Lithuania-Klaipėda)

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Hello! I am Agnė Mažikaitė and I have a business idea that is not long left until its implementation, which is a cat cafe in Klaipėda-Lithuania. Currently, this is a great opportunity to provide a place to live for homeless animals and free up shelter places for new hearts that need help. However, to start everything, I need funds, which I can only ask for help from you kind and animal-loving people, the full amount required for the first month to start is 25,000€ and the remaining months up to 18,000€. Premises rent 1,500€/month, premises renovation up to 3,000€/one-time expense., Employees needed: 4 waiters (8€/hour including taxes), 2 baristas (9€/hour including taxes), 2 dishwashers (6.5€/hour including taxes), 4 kitchen workers (12€/hour including taxes. My family and I will also work for the well-being of the business. The costs of the cats are included in the repair, and food with litter per month is 170€, there would be 10 cats. Food for production and utility costs up to 2000€. The risk is not very high, because there never was such place in Klaipėda at all, and as many Klaipėda residents know that there is nothing to do here, it would be a great new attraction with a good atmosphere and love from cats. After all, let's face it, nothing helps you relax like the purring and buzzing of cats around you, this is a great opportunity for you to find your favorite place where you could relax and enjoy the love of cats, of course, you should not forget that the whole procedure is carried out according to the laws of the country, which are not allowed to be broken. I think we will create a separate TikTok for the cat cafe, but for now we will stay with this Account and I will post all the latest events related to the opening of the cat cafe and donations, so I would like to ask you to contribute and donate at least 10 cents, this way you will help us reach our goals faster, I believe that there are animal lovers who want to help with things related to them. Thank you in advance, if you help and donate to this project-goal, we will be waiting you for visits with wide open arms, and if someone is interested or has any questions, write to gmail: [email protected]

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