id: k549ee

Neuro physiotherapy for my son with childhood cerebral palsy

Neuro physiotherapy for my son with childhood cerebral palsy

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Hello everyone, my name is Ana and I have decided to take this path in order to be able to afford the necessary therapy for my son Francesco. Francesco was born premature, weighed 1,520 grams at 6.5 months of pregnancy and suffers from infantile cerebral palsy from birth. Today he is 25 years old and despite having done everything between various possible therapies, when he was 13 we had to do a complex operation. Result was not good indeed it did us more harm than good, but we managed to get out even then despite everything. Today and always, he succeeds always and in everything, sunny and positive guy, he fights.

I'm here because only thing that can help us improve its mobility and neuro therapy associated with robot therapy and Ottobock's innovative suit - Exopulse Mollii suite that has a not cheap cost and I can't afford it.

Help me to help Francesco

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