id: jp5vpj

Buy pitching machine for the baseball team from Poland

Buy pitching machine for the baseball team from Poland

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We are a baseball team from Zielona Góra west of Poland. We founded the team two years ago and we are constantly developing. This year we would like to join the Polish baseball league. We have private equipment, we did a lot of things ourselves, and we also got some old stuff from other Polish teams, friends from the USA and other kind people.

However, to develop our baseball skills, we need more professional equipment that is not available as old in Poland. This means we have to buy a new one. Unfortunately, this equipment is too expensive for our team.

qJAKwSWFD7eDZqxQ.jpgWhat is the purpose of this fundraiser?

We want to buy a professional pitching machine, which is the most common thing on any baseball team for batting practice. We made a hand throwing machine but it has many limitations and we can't develop our batting skills to a competition level.

That's why we want to buy the M2 pitching machine.

We would like to thank all the good people who could support us with any donation and contribute to our future success.

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Komentarai 1

2500 ženklai