id: j3nt3c

Finally be able to marry my fiance from abroad and get her over to Norway

Finally be able to marry my fiance from abroad and get her over to Norway

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Hi there,

me (Norwegian) and my fiance (Ugandan) met in 2019 in Kenya. I was on holiday and she visited her brother who was attending school there.

It all just started like a small holiday flirt. But after we both were back home we both found out that we missed each other far more than expected and stayed close in touch during Whatsapp.

After some time it got clear for both of us that we wanted more, unfortunately then Covid struck and it wasn't possible for us to plan any further steps.

Last year in spring I then went to visit her in Uganda for 4 weeks, and we got engaged.

We had started the process of getting the necessary papers for getting married when she should visit me in Norway during winter.

After I returned we started the process of applying for her visitors visa to Schengen, which has gotten so difficult to achieve, especially for east African nationals, that it seems the European Court for human rights should seriously look into it.

Then she suddenly went silent on me, which I first understood later when she explained why it happened:

We finally managed to get the paperwork done and were ready to apply, when shadows of her past showed up which are LHBT related, I was fully aware that my fiance is bisexual and also had earlier had a relationship with another woman.

Unfortunately in Uganda since spring last year there is a new medieval law, that having a sexual relationship with the same gender will give you a lifetime sentence, should the other person have any form of disability, you would face death sentence. People around you who knew and don't report you in, also face prison for some years.

So it came as it had to, police was starting chasing her and she had to hold a low profile.

Since she knew there was a certain danger of that to happen, she had applied for visa for different countries, not only Europe but als Canada and the USA.

When police started to be after her, she just got a visa for Canada. So she struggled a lot to get together the money for a flight and took of for Canada and applied for refuge protection due to being prosecuted in Uganda due to her sexual orientation.

During this time, it was about 2 to 3 weeks we barely had any contact, since she didn't use her mobile or WhatsApp as usual of course.

Unfortunately I only got to know the story of the meantime after she got to Canada.

Had I known that before things would have gone different, she flew with air Canada, so changed planes in Brussels. Unfortunately she didn't know that she in Brussels could have just gone to the passport control and applied for refuge protection there. But, also understandably, she was in a very stressful situation, she had to leave her son behind in Uganda, her sister is for now taking care of him, though she has to provide for that of course.

Due to that whole, excuse me, mess, she can't travel abroad for the time her application for protection is being processed, the only possibility for us as of now to get married, is that I go over to Canada for that. Well plans were made, but how can a human make god bursting out in laughter? Yes, exactly, just make a plan.

In December I got an akute necrotizing pancreatitis induced by gallstones. And I got the version following with giant cysts, which I'm still getting treated for. Latest on Wednesday I'm up for an examination how to drain the huge cyst which grew around the pancreas and has the maximum measurements of 26*14*17 cm. Also due to the cyst my doctors strongly advices me to not try to travel by plane until my condition is stabilized and deemed safe to fly by the doctors.

That of course lead to all our papers necessary for getting married to be gone out of date.

My situation got worsened since I started to work for a new employer in end of July last year who in the end after I got sick, accused me towards the authorities of not being sick and only being simulating, which lead to a stop in payments of sick money, and of course the authorities will pay in the end, but during their processing time of 6 to 8 months, I have to rely on social security benefits. Since now my so called boss illegally has resigned me while being sick, I have to go against that one too with a lawyer, and also seemingly have to use the lawyer of forcing the company to pay out the holiday money I earned up last year, which actually was planed to be used to take a short trip over the Atlantic ocean, getting married, and than fastest possible back to get the process going to get the Canadian marriage recognized in Norway, since first after that we can apply for family reunion and hopefully finally be together.

For saying it like this, since we both still are holding on to each other even though absolutely nothing seems to work out for us as of now, I couldn't be more sure that she is the one si want to get old with, and opposite way around.

If anybody actually stayed reading all the way until the end now. We would highly appreciate every small "drop" helping us to be together as soon as possible, and be grateful "until death do us apart".

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