id: dd79f3

Getting my life back in order after a hit and run (victim)

Getting my life back in order after a hit and run (victim)

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Need to get my life back in order

After being a victim of hit and run my life totally changed

Lost my job my income

Now trying to get back on my feet

Any help big ore small will be so much appreciated

Normally I would be the one helping others, but in my hour of need my so-called friend's and family dropped me like a brick 🥺

And I'm feeling all alone in the world right now

I hope there still people out there that care

Every day is getting harder 😪

Aprašymo dar nėra.

Aprašymo dar nėra.


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Atsisiųskite mobiliąją programėlę ir rinkite lėšas savo tikslui pasiekti, kad ir kur būtumėte!


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