id: ahregc

Crowdfunding to Support Ben-Bùi Nguyễn's Project for Objectifs Exhibition

Crowdfunding to Support Ben-Bùi Nguyễn's Project for Objectifs Exhibition

Neaktyvios aukos - reikalinga lėšų rinkimo organizatoriaus operacija. Jei esate Organizatorius - prisijunkite ir atlikite reikiamus veiksmus.
Ši lėšų rinkimo priemonė neturi pinigų dėžutės
Lėšų rinkimo priemonės papildymas pinigų dėžute

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*Suma išreikšta eurais pagal vidutinį svertinį aukų, paaukotų visomis valiutomis, kursą. Daugiau informacijos taip pat rasite


Hi folks!

I am excited to share with you all about my participation in an upcoming exhibition organized by Objectifs, an art space for photography and film in Singapore. This follows as a continuation of my involvement in last year’s Young Photographers’ Mentorship Programme: Class of 2023. Participants from the programme have been invited back to collaborate on a group exhibition showcasing their completed works developed during the training programme. As a young student photographer with limited professional exposure and experience opportunities, I am thrilled and grateful for the chance to continue my journey in this exhibition. From March to mid-June, I will work directly with Objectifs’ curator, receiving guidance and feedback on my creative process. This will lead to a public exhibition in August at Objectifs' space on Middle Road in central Singapore.

To make the most of this opportunity and ensure the best-qualified outcome for my project, I am launching a crowdfunding campaign to realize my vision and complete the project's production phase. Funds raised will cover expenses for photo shoots (estimated five days), including equipment rental, set design/props, post-production, and crew support for production. The total estimated cost is 35,750,000 VND (~1,404 USD). This marks my second fundraising campaign (the first being to finance my participation in the 2023 Young Photographers’ Mentorship Programme in Singapore). With everyone's support, I can continue my photographic practice, expand and improve my skills, and introduce myself to the public through my own works as a young artist in the context of a group exhibition organized by a reputable art space.

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Neaktyvios aukos - reikalingas lėšų rinkėjo organizatoriaus veikimas. Jei esate Organizatorius - prisijunkite ir imkitės reikiamų veiksmų.


2500 ženklai
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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